Microglia-specific IL-10 Gene Delivery Inhibits Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Mouse Model: IL-10 Gene Delivery Inhibits Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration

As research into the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) deepens, the role of neuroinflammation in PD is gradually being revealed. This study by Simone Bido and his team, published in “Science Translational Medicine”, explores the effects of targeting microglia with IL-10 gene delivery in a Parkinson’s disease mouse model. Their research validates a method for specifically expressing IL-10 in microglia through a viral vector and demonstrates that this approach can alleviate the loss of dopaminergic neurons (DAN) and neuroinflammation in PD mouse models.

Research Background

Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder, with main pathological features including the loss of dopaminergic neurons and the formation of α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates. Neuroinflammation plays a crucial role in driving these pathological processes, particularly through the activation of microglia and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that further promote neuronal loss. However, due to the complex interactions between the brain and the immune system, how to effectively regulate these inflammatory responses remains an unsolved problem.

Research Objective

To tackle this challenge, the research team designed and validated a gene therapy strategy that specifically expresses IL-10 in microglia through a viral vector to alleviate inflammatory responses and neuronal loss in PD mouse models. IL-10 is a multifunctional cytokine with the ability to attenuate excessive inflammatory responses and is considered a potential therapeutic agent for various chronic inflammatory diseases.

Research Source

This study was jointly conducted by researchers from the Stem Cell and Neurogenesis Unit and the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) at the IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy. It was published in “Science Translational Medicine” on August 21, 2024. Simone Bido and Vania Broccoli are the co-corresponding authors of this paper.

Research Methods

Experimental Design and Procedures

To validate this strategy, the research team used several common PD mouse models that induce α-syn aggregation through different methods to simulate the pathological process of human PD. They studied the role of IL-10 in alleviating the pathological process of PD by inserting the gene encoding human IL-10 into a Lentiviral vector and specifically expressing it in microglia.

Specific steps include:

  1. Construction of Animal Models:

    • The research team first constructed a PD model by expressing α-syn driven by the EF1α promoter under the human SNCA gene using a Lentiviral vector, comparing it with a control Lentiviral vector (maintaining expression of the nano-luciferase gene).
    • In different mouse models, they used Lentiviral vectors, AAV9 vectors, or α-syn preformed fibrils (PFFs) to induce α-syn aggregation and neuronal loss.
  2. Design and Validation of IL-10 Gene Delivery Platform:

    • The research team designed a Lentiviral vector platform based on a miRNA-detargeting (MiRT) system, which limits transgene expression in specific cell types by inserting specific miRNA target sequences in the 3’ untranslated region of the transgene.
    • Researchers verified the effectiveness of this platform in specifically expressing IL-10 in microglia, ensuring that IL-10 is only expressed in microglia, thereby avoiding expression in other brain cells and reducing systemic side effects.
  3. Collection and Analysis of Experimental Data:

    • Researchers analyzed the cellular composition and gene expression characteristics of the substantia nigra region in mice through single-cell RNA sequencing, immunofluorescence staining, and flow cytometry.
    • Biotin labeling was used to detect the survival rate of dopamine neurons and the number of α-syn aggregates.
    • In vitro experiments analyzed the effect of IL-10 on the phagocytosis and clearance activity of microglia.
    • Using these comprehensive methods, the research team thoroughly analyzed the effects of IL-10 delivery on neuroinflammatory responses, dopamine neuron survival, and immune cell infiltration in PD mouse models.

Research Results

Experimental Data and Findings

  1. Protection of Dopaminergic Neurons:

    • Mouse models expressing IL-10 showed significantly reduced loss of dopaminergic neurons caused by α-syn. In LV:SNCA/μgIL-10 mice, the survival rate of dopaminergic neurons was significantly improved, restoring dopamine levels in SNCA overexpressing mice.
  2. Microglial Activation and Phenotype:

    • Although IL-10 enhanced microglial activation, these cells exhibited characteristics different from traditionally inflammatory activated microglia. IL-10-induced microglia (m10) showed significant phagocytic and protein clearance activity, reducing the number of α-syn aggregates.
  3. Specific Expression of IL-10 in Microglia:

    • The microglia-specific gene expression achieved through the miRT system validated its efficiency and specificity, achieving efficient expression of IL-10 in microglia without affecting other cell types.
  4. T Cell Infiltration and Phenotype Changes:

    • Although IL-10 did not reduce T cell infiltration, it significantly altered the phenotypes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. IL-10 induced suppressive phenotypes in CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD8+ T cells, thus enhancing the immunosuppressive function of these cells and further alleviating neuroinflammation.

Research Conclusions

Conclusions and Research Significance

This study demonstrates that specific delivery of IL-10 to microglia can effectively alleviate neuroinflammation and neuronal loss in PD mouse models, providing evidence for a potentially promising gene therapy strategy for Parkinson’s disease. This strategy not only avoids side effects associated with systemic immune modulation but also achieves neuroprotection through multiple mechanisms induced by IL-10, including enhanced phagocytic clearance activity of microglia and phenotype regulation of T cells.

Research Highlights

  • Innovation in Microglia-Specific Gene Delivery System: The Lentiviral vector based on the miRT system developed by the research team demonstrated highly specific gene expression.
  • Multifaceted Role of IL-10 in Neuroprotection: IL-10 not only regulates neuroinflammation but also protects neurons by enhancing microglial phagocytic activity and adjusting T cell phenotypes.
  • New Approach for Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: The method demonstrated in this study opens up new directions for gene therapy in Parkinson’s disease and other neuroinflammation-related disorders.

Future Prospects

Future research could further optimize this gene therapy strategy and validate its effectiveness through more complex neurodegenerative disease models. Additionally, exploring the possibility of co-expressing IL-10 with other immunomodulatory factors to investigate their synergistic effects would be a valuable research direction.