Identification of a Novel ARSA Gene Mutation Through High-Throughput Molecular Diagnosis Method in Two Girls with Late Infantile Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

Hereditary Leukodystrophy

Neuromolecular Medical Research on Hereditary Leukodystrophy - A Research Report on the Discovery of a Novel ARSA Gene Mutation

Research Background

Hereditary leukodystrophies are a group of genetic disorders primarily affecting the white matter of the central nervous system. They encompass a wide range of conditions, mainly caused by enzyme deficiencies resulting from various gene mutations. The most common type of leukodystrophy is metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by pathogenic mutations in the ARSA gene. MLD presents with severe clinical manifestations, including motor disabilities, mental problems, and sometimes epilepsy. Based on the age of onset, MLD can be further classified into three clinical types: late infantile, juvenile, and adult. Among these, the late infantile type is the most common and severe form.

Due to its rarity and different types of gene mutations, diagnosing MLD is challenging. Traditionally, MLD diagnosis relied on measuring ARSA enzyme activity, but this method may not sensitively detect carriers or mild cases. Therefore, molecular genetic diagnosis is crucial for confirming MLD.

Paper Source

This research paper was jointly written by scholars including Abolfazl Yari, Farzane Vafaeie, Zahra Miri Karam, Mahya Hosseini, Hassan Hashemzade, Maryam Sadat Rahimi, Alireza Ehsanbakhsh, and Ebrahim Miri-Moghaddam, from institutions such as Birjand University of Medical Sciences and Kerman University of Medical Sciences in Iran. The paper was published in the journal “Neuromolecular Medicine” in 2023.

Research Objective

The aim of this study was to identify the pathogenic mutation in an Iranian family suspected of MLD using Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) and to validate the pathogenicity of the mutation through in vitro analysis.

Research Methods

Case Description and Clinical Examination

The subject was a 3-year-old girl, the first child of a consanguineous couple from eastern Iran. At birth, her neurological examination was normal, but she began showing symptoms of hypotonia at 18 months. During the initial examination, she exhibited hypotonia, hyperreflexia, severe gait disturbance, epileptic seizures, muscle atrophy, and irritability, but her mental state was normal. The research team collected blood samples from her close relatives and conducted a detailed family history investigation.

Neurological examinations included Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Needle Electromyography (EMG) to assess nerve conduction velocity and motor unit action potential duration. Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was performed by experienced radiologists to evaluate brain damage.

Molecular Genetic Analysis

For DNA extraction, the research team collected venous blood samples from the patient and her close relatives, extracting lymphocyte DNA using a commercial DNA extraction kit. The patient’s DNA sample then underwent whole exome sequencing, and candidate variants were confirmed using Sanger sequencing.

Bioinformatics Analysis

Multiple in vitro prediction tools were used to predict the functional effects of candidate variants. Molecular Dynamic Simulation (MDS) was also used to conduct an in-depth analysis of the mutation’s impact on protein structure and stability.

Research Results

Clinical Findings

At three years old, the patient exhibited hypertonia, inability to walk, muscle atrophy, lack of speech, and irritability. Brain MRI showed white matter abnormalities, forming a butterfly pattern around the cerebrum, and a leopard skin pattern on the sagittal plane.

Molecular Genetic Findings

Whole exome sequencing results revealed a novel homozygous missense variant (c.938 G > C) in the ARSA gene, causing an amino acid change from arginine to proline at position 313. In vitro analysis predicted this variant to be pathogenic, and Sanger sequencing confirmed that the mutation co-segregated with the MLD phenotype in the family.

Bioinformatics Findings

In vitro prediction tools predicted that this variant affects the function and structure of the ARSA protein. Multiple sequence alignment showed that this amino acid position is highly conserved in evolution, indicating its importance in protein function. MDS results showed that this mutation could lead to slight changes in protein structure, potentially affecting enzyme function and stability.

Research Conclusions and Significance

In summary, this study identified and reported a novel variant in the ARSA gene for the first time using high-throughput molecular diagnostic methods, expanding the known spectrum of ARSA mutations. This study emphasizes the importance of molecular genetic diagnosis in confirming rare genetic diseases, especially the application of whole exome sequencing.

Scientific Value and Practical Application

The new mutation discovered in this study has significant implications for understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of MLD and provides new opportunities for developing personalized treatment plans. For example, functional information provided by studying the new mutation can be used to develop gene-based targeted therapies.

This study also lays the foundation for early diagnosis, management, prenatal diagnosis, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis of MLD. Furthermore, functional studies of new variants will aid in the application of gene editing technologies such as CRISPR in MLD treatment.

Research Highlights

  1. Discovery of a Novel Variant: First report of a novel homozygous missense variant (c.938 G > C) in the ARSA gene.
  2. Multi-method Validation: Confirmed the pathogenicity of the mutation through a combination of whole exome sequencing, Sanger sequencing, and in vitro prediction tools.
  3. Molecular Dynamic Simulation: In-depth analysis of the mutation’s impact on protein structure and function.

Suggestions for Further Research

Future functional experiments are needed to verify the specific impact of the c.938 G > C variant on ARSA protein function. This will help determine the specific role of this variant in the pathogenesis of MLD and provide a basis for personalized treatment.

This study extends our understanding of the molecular basis of MLD, emphasizing the importance of molecular genetic diagnosis, especially in diagnosing rare genetic diseases. Future research will help elucidate the specific mechanisms of these rare mutations and promote the application of personalized treatments.