Clinical Validation of a Cell-Free DNA Fragmentome Assay for Augmentation of Lung Cancer Early Detection

Clinical Validation Study on the Application of Cell-Free DNA Fragment Analysis in Enhancing Early Detection of Lung Cancer


Lung cancer is one of the leading types of cancer threatening the health of both men and women globally. Over 125,000 people die from lung cancer in the United States each year, and globally, the number is close to 1.8 million. Previous studies have pointed out that low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) can significantly reduce lung cancer mortality, but in reality, the application of LDCT is very limited. Therefore, developing new, more widely accepted methods for early lung cancer detection is crucial. In response to this need, the research team conducted this study aimed at validating a method for early lung cancer detection based on cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragment analysis.

Study Source

This study was completed by Peter J. Mazzone and several research institutions, with the results published in the journal “Cancer Discovery.” The research team members come from various well-known healthcare and research institutions in the United States, such as the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and NYU Langone Health System. The article was published on July 16, 2024.

Study Details

Research Process

The study was designed as a prospective case-control trial with a total of 958 individuals eligible for lung cancer screening participating. The subjects included 576 cases and controls to train the classifier and another 382 cases and controls for validation. By analyzing the whole-genome cfDNA fragmentation configurations (fragmentome) in peripheral blood of the subjects, the study explored the genomic and chromatin characteristic changes indicative of lung cancer. Using machine learning techniques, the study mapped fragmentome features to distinguish between lung cancer patients and non-patients.

Research Results

In the independent validation phase, the test showed high sensitivity for lung cancer and remained consistent across different populations and comorbid conditions. If this test performance is applied in a hypothetical 5-year model, it could prevent thousands of lung cancer deaths.

Research Conclusion

The study proposed an innovative blood-based lung cancer screening test, utilizing a highly economical, low-coverage whole-genome sequencing platform to analyze cfDNA fragmentation patterns. This test is expected to improve lung cancer screening rates, bringing significant public health benefits.

Study Highlights

This study successfully developed a novel blood-based early lung cancer detection method, which is not only scientifically innovative but also practically significant. This method can improve screening sensitivity, especially in detecting early-stage lung cancer cases. Furthermore, as blood tests are more easily accepted than traditional LDCT screening, this new method can significantly enhance the prevalence of lung cancer screening.

Other Noteworthy Information

Despite the breakthroughs in developing a new lung cancer screening test, potential selection biases must be noted and the test performance further validated in prospective cohort studies. Additionally, the study did not consider other important outcomes such as patient lifespan or quality of life, nor did it account for costs. For LDCT screening, the expected lung cancer prevalence among the screened population is 0.7%, while the negative predictive value (NPV) of the validation test is 99.8% and the positive predictive value (PPV) is 1.3%. These statistics show significant advantages over the current screening effects based solely on screening eligibility.


The research by Peter J. Mazzone and colleagues has opened new avenues for early lung cancer detection, predicting that even with moderate adoption rates, this method could significantly reduce the number of late-stage lung cancer diagnoses and deaths while enhancing the efficiency of LDCT screening, thus achieving the 2030 health population targets.