A Fully Automated Multimodal MRI-Based Multi-task Learning for Glioma Segmentation and IDH Genotyping

Neural Network Structure Proposed in This Study

Research Report on Fully Automated Multimodal MRI Multi-task Learning for Glioma Segmentation and IDH Gene Typing

Background of the Study

Glioma is the most common primary brain tumor in the central nervous system. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 classification, gliomas are divided into low-grade gliomas (LGG, grades II and III) and high-grade gliomas (HGG, grade IV). The mutation status of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is one of the most important prognostic markers in gliomas. Clinical studies have found that patients with low-grade gliomas containing IDH mutations generally have better prognoses compared to IDH wild-type patients. Traditional manual segmentation of gliomas is time-consuming and labor-intensive, while accurate IDH gene typing and precise glioma segmentation are of great significance for guiding treatment and evaluating prognosis. Due to the non-invasive nature and significant role of multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in daily clinical practice, it is considered one of the most promising candidate technologies.

However, due to the significant inter-tumor and intra-tumor heterogeneity of gliomas, current automated methods face many challenges. Most existing methods solve these problems based on a single task, failing to fully leverage the correlation between the two tasks. Additionally, the high cost and limited availability of IDH gene label data further limit the performance of existing models.

Against this backdrop, the authors propose a fully automated multimodal MRI-based multi-task learning framework that comprehensively addresses these issues by simultaneously performing glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing.

Source of the Paper

This paper, authored by Jianhong Cheng, Jin Liu, Hulin Kuang, and Jianxin Wang, among others, was published in the June 2022 issue of the “IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.” The study was partially supported by the China National Key R&D Program (Grant No. 2021YFF1201200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62172444 and 62102454), the Hunan Province Science and Technology Innovation Leading Program (Grant No. 2020GK2019), and the High-Performance Computing Center of Central South University.

Detailed Research Process

Research Workflow

The authors designed a three-part 3D multi-task learning network, consisting of a CNN-Transformer encoder, a decoder for glioma segmentation, and a classifier for IDH gene typing. The specific workflow of the network is as follows:

  1. CNN-Transformer Encoder: The encoder extracts global semantic features from the input multimodal MRI images through consecutive convolutional and Transformer operations. The Transformer introduces a multi-head self-attention mechanism for long-distance context modeling.

  2. Decoder for Glioma Segmentation: The decoder uses a 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) to upsample high-level features and ultimately generate segmentation results. Skip connections are used to fuse downsampled feature maps with upsampled feature maps.

  3. IDH Gene Typing Classifier: The global average pooling (GAP) and global max pooling (GMP) convert multi-scale feature maps. These features are then used for IDH gene typing through a fully connected layer.

Design of the Multi-task Loss Function

To address issues of task bias caused by improper task weight settings, the paper designs a multi-task loss function based on uncertainty:

[ L{joint} = \frac{1}{2\sigma{seg}^2}L{seg} + \frac{1}{2\sigma{idh}^2}L{idh} + \log \sigma{seg}\sigma_{idh} ]

where (\sigma{seg}) and (\sigma{idh}) are learnable parameters that can adaptively adjust to balance the task weights for glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing.

Semi-supervised Multi-task Learning

Considering the high cost of obtaining IDH gene label data, the authors further propose a semi-supervised multi-task learning framework based on uncertainty-aware pseudo-label selection. By generating pseudo-labels on unlabeled data and further training, the accuracy of IDH gene typing is improved.

Main Research Results

Glioma Segmentation

In terms of glioma segmentation, extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed multi-task learning network MTTU-Net outperforms existing methods in segmentation accuracy, especially in the whole tumor, tumor core, and enhanced tumor regions.

IDH Gene Typing

For IDH gene typing, MTTU-Net also shows significant performance improvement. Compared to single-task methods, MTTU-Net achieves improvements in AUC, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.

Effects of Semi-supervised Learning

After introducing a large amount of unlabeled data for semi-supervised learning, the performance of MTTU-Net in glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing is further enhanced. The accuracy of IDH gene typing is significantly improved using the uncertainty-aware pseudo-label selection method.

Research Conclusions and Significance

The MTTU-Net proposed in this paper leverages multimodal MRI for both glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing, significantly improving the accuracy of both tasks. By further enhancing performance through semi-supervised multi-task learning, this study demonstrates that multi-task learning can achieve more accurate tumor localization and IDH gene typing through shared representation learning, which is of great significance for computer-aided diagnosis systems.

Research Highlights

  1. Multi-task Learning Framework: Simultaneously performs glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing, achieving feature sharing between tasks and significantly improving performance.
  2. Uncertainty Weights: Adaptsively adjusts the balance between tasks through uncertainty weights, avoiding task bias issues.
  3. Semi-supervised Learning: Utilizes unlabeled data and uncertainty-aware pseudo-label selection methods to further enhance the accuracy of IDH gene typing.
  4. Practical Application Potential: MTTU-Net can be applied to actual clinical computer-aided diagnosis systems, providing strong support for personalized treatment of patients.


This paper proposes a new multi-task learning framework, MTTU-Net, which simultaneously performs glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing through shared features and improves performance through semi-supervised learning. Experimental results show that this method surpasses current state-of-the-art methods, providing a reliable computer-aided diagnosis solution for glioma segmentation and IDH gene typing. This research provides new ideas and methods for the application of multi-task learning in medical image analysis.