Association Between Body Composition Patterns, Cardiovascular Disease, and Risk of Neurodegenerative Disease in the UK Biobank

Study on the Association# Study on the Association Between Body Composition Patterns, Cardiovascular Diseases Between, Body and Neurodegenerative Composition Disease Risks


Neurodegenerative Patterns diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease, (PD), currently affect over Cardiovascular Diseases, and Neuro60degenerative Disease million Risk


people globallyNeurodeg andenerative are gradually Diseases becoming the seventh, leading cause of death worldwide. With the aging population, this situation including is Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD), currently affect over expected to60 worsen. million Unfortunately, people disease globally and are gradually becoming the-mod seventh leading causeifying of therapies death for worldwide. With the aging population, this situation these is expected to worsen conditions remain. scarce Unfortunately., Therefore disease-modifying therapies for, these diseases identifying remain mod scarce.ifiable Therefore, risk factors and identifying developing preventive measures is mod crucial. Additionallyifiable, considering individual genetic susceptibility when researching these modifiable risk risk factors and factors developing is vital to achieve preventive more precise and personalized measures preventive is particularly important measures.

###. Additionally, Study considering Origin individual

geneticThis susceptibility study when was studying these modifiable authored risk by Shishi Xu, factors is essential MD for, more PhD precise and, Shu Wen personalized, MD, preventive PhD, measures Y.

ao### Yang Study, Source

This MSc study, was jointly written by Shishi Jun Xu,hui MD He,, MSc Ph,D, Hu Shuaz Wenhen, Yang MD,, MSc, Yu Phanyuan Qu, MScD,, Yu Zeng, Y MSc, Jianweiao Zhu, Yang MD, PhD from, West China Hospital MSc of Sich,uan Jun University, and Fang Fang, PhD fromhui Karolinska Institut Heet in Sweden,. The research findings were MSc, Hu publishedaz in the journal “Neurology” on August 27,hen 2024.

Yang### Research Methods, and Process

This MSc study is a, retrospective Yu analysis using dataany from the UK Biobank. Participants includeduan those Qu without neurodegenerative diseases at recruitment, who had necessary body MSc composition measurement data. From, five Yu Zeng, MSc, years Jian post-recruitment until Aprilwei 1 Zhu,, MD ,202 Ph3D, from West these participants China were Hospital of Sich followed to identify new cases of neurouandeg University, andenerative Fang Fang diseases, PhD. from Karol Theinska study Institute included in 412 Sweden,691 participants. ( Theaverage study results age were56 published in the journal Neurology on August 27,. 0 years, 55.20241%.

female),### with Research Methods and8 Process,

This224 new study cases is of a retrospective neurodegenerative diseases analysis diagnosed using the UK Bi over anobank average database. follow The study included participants-up period of 9 who. had1 no years neuro.

deg####enerative Main diseases Steps at recruitment and1 had. necessary ** bodyData Collection composition and measurement Pre dataprocessing.** Participants were - Collected followed information from five on participants’ soc yearsiod post-recruitment toem Aprilographic ,1 lifestyle,, medical ,202 and3 genetic, factors to from identify the new UK cases of Bi neuroobankdeg databaseenerative. diseases -. A Data total were obtained of through412 touchscreen questionnaires,,691 physical participants ( measurements,mean and age sample 56 testing..

  1. years Body, Composition Measurements 55.1 - Height% female, waist,) were and hip included circumference, measured with manually. 8 -,224 Fat new Mass cases ( ofFM neuro)deg andenerative Lean diseases Mass (LM diagnosed) measured using Tan,ita and BC the-418 average MA follow body composition analyzer.
    • Handgrip strength measured with-up a time J was 9.1 years.

####amar Main Steps 1. ** JData001 Collection and05 Pre hydraulicprocessing hand** dynam ometer -. Information on - the Calc demographicane,al lifestyle bone, density medical assessed, using and a genetic Norland factors of M participantscc wasue contact collected from ultrasound the bone analyzer UK.

Bi3obank. database . Neuro deg - Dataenerative Disease were Determ obtained throughination touchscreen questionnaires , - Neuro bodydeg measurements,enerative and disease cases sample identified tests using.

hospital2. admission Body records and death registry Composition Measurement records , based - on Height the, International waist circumference Classification, and hip circumference of were measured manually Diseases. - Body fat (ICD-10) coding system.

mass4 (FM). and ** leanBody Composition Pattern mass Identification** ( - Initially plottedLM the correlation map among) were measured using28 the body Tanita composition BC variables-,418 then MA used body Principal composition Component analyzer Analysis. ( PCA) - to Hand identifygr bodyip strength of composition patterns both, categorized hands was into measured using seven major the patterns J such asamar J “001Fat to05 handheld Lean hydraulic Mass dynam,“ometer. “Mus - Heel bone density was assessed using the Norland Mcccle Strength,” andue “Bone contact ultrasound bone Density.”


. Stat3istical. Analysis ** Determ -ination Mult ofiv Neuroariabledeg Cox modelsenerative used Diseases to** evaluate the - relationship Neuro between bodydegenerative disease composition patterns cases and were neuro identified using hospitaldeg inpatient records andenerative death registry disease records based on the incidence International Classification of, Diseases and the medi (ICatingD-10).

  1. Identification of role of Body Composition Patterns cardiovascular - A diseases correlation map of 28 body composition variables was first ( drawnCVDs), and in then Principal Component Analysis these (PCA relationships) was. used to identify body composition patterns, which - were summarized into seven main Strat patterns: “ifiedfat-to-lean analysis mass,” “ assessedmuscle risk strength,” “bone differences among different susceptibility groups, including Polygenetic density Risk,” etc Scores., using the PCA algorithm.

(5PRS. **) andStat familyistical history.

Analysis###** - Study Mult Results

iv-ariable ** Cox modelsMain were Findings** used to evaluate the - relationship Patterns of “ between bodyFat composition patterns to Lean and Mass the” incidence of ( neuroHRdeg=enerative0 diseases. and74 the- medi0ating. role94 of), cardiovascular diseases “Muscle Strength” (CVDs ()HR in= these0 relationships.. 81 - -0 Strat.ified94 analyses), were used “Bone to Density assess risk” differences (HR= among different susceptible0. populations94,- including0 poly.gen89etic), risk and scores ( “LegPRS)-d andomin familyant history Fat.

Distribution###” Research Results (

-HR =Main0 Results .94 -0.89) were - associated The with “fat-to lower-lean neuro mass”deg (HRenerative=0 disease. rates74. - 0 -. Patterns94 of), “ “Centralmus Obesitycle” strength (”HR= (HR1=.013.-811-.210.)94 and), “ “boneArm density-d”omin (antHR Fat= Distribution0”. (94HR-=01..8910),- and1 “.leg26-d) wereominant associated fat with distribution higher” neuro (degHRenerative= disease rates. 0 - Strat.ified analysis revealed relatively94 consistent risk- estimates0 across different susceptibility groups,. with significant medi89ating effects of cardiovascular) diseases (10.7 patterns%– were35.3%).

associated- ** withBrain Aging Biomarker Analysis a** lower - In a subset of 40,790 participants, further analysis showed significant associations between incidence of “ neurodegenerativeCentral Ob diseasesesity. ,” “ Mus -cle The Strength “,“central and obesity “”Arm (-dHRomin=1ant. Fat13 Distribution-“1 patterns and brain aging biomarkers. (e.g.,21 brain) at androphy “ andarm cerebral-d small vesselominant disease fat).

distribution”### Study ( Conclusion

HRThis=1 study. reveals10 significant- associations1 between. body composition26 patterns) and neuro patternsdeg wereenerative associated with disease a risks higher, particularly central obesity and incidence muscle of neurodeg strengthenerative diseases. . - These Strat findingsified suggest analyses showed relatively that consistent risk estimates improving among different susceptible body populations, and the composition medi and early management ofating effect cardiovascular of diseases cardiovascular diseases may reduce on the the risk relationship of was future significant neuro (deg10enerative. diseases.

7%###– Study35 Highlights.


**Innov- ativeBrain Methods Aging Biom:arker This Analysis study** is the first - to Further analysis use in PCA a to subset identify of major body40, composition patterns,790 participants covering showed the complex interactions significant associations between the among body “ components. -central ** obesityMult,” “ivariatemus Analysiscle strength,”** and: “ Considerarmed-domin theant influence fat of distribution multiple genetic” and environmental factors patterns and brain aging, biomarkers ensuring the (such robustness as of the brain study at resultsrophy. and- cerebral ** smallCom vessel disease).

prehensive### Evaluation Study Conclusions**

:This Combined study clinical diagnosis revealed and brain significant associations imaging between data body to composition ensure patterns the and compreh theens riskiveness of and neuro reliabilitydeg ofenerative the diseases study results, particularly.

central### obesity and Study muscle Value strength.

This study not These findings only suggest provides that new improving insights body into the unique composition contributions and early of management body of cardiovascular composition diseases to could neuro potentiallydeg reduceenerative diseases the future risk of neurodegenerative but also diseases.

emphasizes### Study Highlights the

  • Innov importanceative Methodology of: This improving study body is the first composition to and early use intervention PCA in to cardiovascular diseases identify major to body composition patterns, reduce neurodegenerative covering disease risks the. complex Future interactions research should among body further components explore.
  • ** theseMult target strategiesivariate and Analysis the biological** mechanisms: The study behind considered them. the effects of various genetic and environmental factors, ensuring the robustness of the findings.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: The combination of clinical diagnosis and brain imaging data ensured the comprehensiveness and reliability of the study results.

Study Value

This study not only provides new insights into the unique contributions of body composition to neurodegenerative diseases but also emphasizes the importance of improving body composition and early cardiovascular disease intervention in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Future research should further explore these target strategies and the underlying biological mechanisms.