Functional Connectivity Alterations in Patients with Post-Stroke Epilepsy Based on Source-Level EEG and Graph Theory

Research Report on Changes in Functional Connectivity in Post-Stroke Epilepsy (PSE) Patients Based on Source-Level EEG and Graph Theory Research Background Epilepsy has various etiologies, including idiopathic, congenital, head trauma, central nervous system infections, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases. Among t...

Predicting Drug-Target Affinity by Learning Protein Knowledge from Biological Networks

Predicting Drug-Target Affinity Based on Learning Protein Knowledge from Biological Networks Background The prediction of drug-target affinity (DTA) plays a crucial role in drug discovery. Efficient and accurate DTA prediction can significantly reduce the time and economic costs of new drug development. In recent years, the explosive development of...

Decreased Thalamocortical Connectivity in Resolved Rolandic Epilepsy

Decreased Thalamocortical Connectivity in Resolved Rolandic Epilepsy

Thalamocortical Connectivity Reduction in Rolandic Epilepsy Rolandic Epilepsy (RE), also known as self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (SELECTS), is the most common localized developmental epileptic encephalopathy. This type of epilepsy is typically accompanied by transient mild to severe cognitive symptoms, sleep-related rolandic spike...

Pupillometry Reveals Resting State Alpha Power Correlates with Individual Differences in Adult Auditory Language Comprehension

Study on the Correlation between Adult Auditory Language Comprehension and Resting-State Alpha Wave Power Academic Background and Research Question Although individual differences in adult language processing have been documented in literature, the neural basis largely remains to be explored. Existing research primarily focuses on how general cogni...

Bridging Stories and Science: An fNIRS-based Hyperscanning Investigation into Child Learning in STEM

Bridging Stories and Science: An fNIRS-based Hyperscanning Investigation into Child Learning in STEM

Academic News Report In Volume 285 of “Neuroimage” (2024), there is a published article entitled “Bridging Stories and Science: An fNIRS-Based Hyperscanning Investigation into Child Learning in STEM”. This article was co-authored by Juan Zhang and others, with the research team hailing from the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, and ...

Distinguishing Parkinsonian Rest Tremor from Voluntary Hand Movements through Subthalamic and Cortical Activity

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder characterized mainly by resting tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has been widely used to treat the motor symptoms of PD (Krauss et al., 2021). However, DBS treatment also has significant side effects, most of which are caused by the extension of stimulat...

Single-Subject Cortical Morphological Brain Networks: Phenotypic Associations and Neurobiological Substrates

This paper is a study on the phenotypic associations and neurobiological bases of single-subject morphological brain networks. Combining multimodal and multiscale data, this study reveals the differences in morphological brain networks between genders, their potential as individual-specific markers, and their relationships with gene expression, lay...

Networked Information Interactions in Schizophrenia Magnetoencephalograms based on Permutation Transfer Entropy

Study of Network Information Interactions in Schizophrenia Magnetoencephalograms Based on Permutation Transfer Entropy Academic Background Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a mental disorder characterized by persistent delusions and hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and inconsistent behavior, often leading to significant impairment in the perception of r...

Functional Brain Network Based on Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition of EEG for Anxiety Analysis and Detection

Brain Functional Network for Anxiety Analysis and Detection Based on Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Academic Background and Research Objectives With the increasing stress of modern life, anxiety, a common neurological disorder, has become an urgent issue in global public health. Anxiety not only manifests as mental disorders but als...

Impact of Amplitude and Phase of fMRI Time Series for Functional Connectivity Analysis

The Impact of Amplitude and Phase-based MRI Time Series on Functional Connectivity Analysis Introduction Over the past decade, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has emerged as a non-invasive imaging technique that uses blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast to measure brain activity and study brain function (Kwong, 1996). By analyz...