Oxidative Phosphorylation Regulates B Cell Effector Cytokines and Promotes Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis

Oxidative Phosphorylation Regulates B Cell Effector Cytokines and Promotes Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis Background Introduction In recent years, the antibody-independent functions of B cells in health and disease have become a research hotspot, particularly their ability to secrete different cytokines that can activate or downregulate local i...

Heart Failure Promotes Multimorbidity Through Innate Immune Memory

Heart Failure Promotes Multimorbidity Through Innate Immune Memory

Heart Failure Promotes Multimorbidity through Innate Immune Memory Research Background Despite significant medical advances, the mortality rate of heart failure (HF) remains high, necessitating new therapeutic targets. HF patients often experience acute decompensation and develop comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease and frailty syndrome. Th...