Mapping the Cellular Etiology of Schizophrenia and Complex Brain Phenotypes

Cell-Type Classification of Psychiatric Disorders: New Study Reveals Cellular Basis of Schizophrenia and Other Complex Brain Disorders Academic Background Psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder, are significant public health issues worldwide. These disorders are typically caused by a combination of multiple g...

Retrieval of Conditioned Immune Response in Male Mice is Mediated by an Anterior–Posterior Insula Circuit

Retrieval of Conditioned Immune Response in Mice is Mediated by an Anterior-Posterior Insular Circuit Academic Background The bidirectional relationship between the brain and the immune system is a cornerstone of philosophical and scientific research. In recent years, researchers have identified multiple pathways through which the immune system inf...

Propagation of Neuronal Micronuclei Regulates Microglial Characteristics

Study on the Propagation of Neuronal Micronuclei Regulating Microglial Characteristics Academic Background Microglia, the resident immune cells in the central nervous system (CNS), play a crucial role in maintaining brain homeostasis, regulating neuronal development, synaptic pruning, and responding to pathological states. However, despite extensiv...

Astrocyte Ensembles Manipulated with Astrolight Tune Cue-Motivated Behavior

New Discoveries in Astrocyte Regulation of Behavior: Application of the AstroLight Tool Academic Background For a long time, neuroscience research has primarily focused on neuronal activity, while neglecting the role of astrocytes in brain function. Although astrocytes are one of the most numerous cell types in the brain, they have traditionally be...

The NOMPC ion channel hinge forms a gating spring that initiates mechanosensation

NOMPC Ion Channel Hinge Forms Gating Spring to Initiate Mechanosensation Academic Background Mechanosensation is the process by which organisms perceive external mechanical stimuli and convert them into electrical signals. This process plays a crucial role in touch, hearing, gravity perception, and the movement of internal organs and limbs. The ini...

Aberrant Splicing in Huntington’s Disease Accompanies Disrupted TDP-43 Activity and Altered m6A RNA Modification

Aberrant Splicing in Huntington’s Disease Accompanies Disrupted TDP-43 Activity and Altered m6A RNA Modification Academic Background Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms. The disease is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the HTT gene, leading to ab...

A Distinct Hypothalamus–Habenula Circuit Governs Risk Preference

Study on the Hypothalamus-Habenula Circuit Regulating Risk Preference Academic Background In complex and uncertain environments, animals need to assess risks to make survival-favorable decisions. When faced with safe and risky options, animals usually exhibit a strong preference for one option, which remains consistent over time. However, how this ...

Establishing Functionally Segregated Dopaminergic Circuits

Functional Segregation of Dopaminergic Neural Circuits and Their Developmental Mechanisms Academic Background Dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter in the brain, regulating various physiological functions, including motor control, emotional regulation, motivation, learning, and memory. Dopaminergic neurons are primarily located in the midbrain, an...

Antisense Oligonucleotide–Mediated MSH3 Suppression Reduces Somatic CAG Repeat Expansion in Huntington’s Disease iPSC–Derived Striatal Neurons

Therapeutic Potential of ASO-Mediated MSH3 Suppression in Huntington’s Disease Academic Background Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by abnormal expansion of the CAG repeat sequence in the huntingtin gene (HTT). This expanded CAG repeat continues to expand somatically over time, driving the onset and progression of th...

Prior Vaccination Prevents Overactivation of Innate Immune Responses During COVID-19 Breakthrough Infection

How COVID-19 Vaccines Affect Immune Responses During Breakthrough Infections Background Introduction As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, an increasing number of infections are “breakthrough infections,” occurring in individuals who have been vaccinated or previously infected with SARS-CoV-2. Although vaccination has significantly reduced the risk o...