Estimation of Photon Path Length and Penetration Depth in Articular Cartilage Zonal Architecture Over the Therapeutic Window

Academic News Report: Study on the Optical Transmission Characteristics of Cartilage Introduction Cartilage is a complex biological tissue composed of cells and a substantial extracellular matrix. Its main components include collagen fibers, proteoglycans, and water, which form layered structural partitions at the microscopic level. The propagation...

Patterns of Sagittal Imbalance in Degenerative Kyphosis and Its Implication on Postoperative Mechanical Failure

Patterns of Sagittal Imbalance in Degenerative Kyphosis and Its Implication on Postoperative Mechanical Failure

Sagittal Imbalance Patterns in Degenerative Kyphosis of the Lumbar or Thoracolumbar Spine and Their Impact on Postoperative Complications Research Background Degenerative kyphosis (DK) is the most common type of spinal deformity in the elderly. Sagittal imbalance is a typical radiological feature of DK and is associated with a severe decline in qua...

Caudal Agenesis: Classification Based on the Pathoembryogenesis of the Spinal Cord

This is a report on a new classification method for caudal agenesis: Caudal agenesis is a congenital disorder characterized by the absence of lower vertebrae. Previous classifications of caudal agenesis were primarily based on the level of bony deficiency or the position of the terminal spinal cord, but there has been debate as to whether these cla...

Sarcoma microenvironment cell states and ecosystems are associated with prognosis and predict response to immunotherapy

Sarcoma microenvironment cell states and ecosystems are associated with prognosis and predict response to immunotherapy

This study utilized a machine learning framework to explore the underlying cell states and cellular ecosystems constituting soft tissue sarcomas, and associated them with patient prognosis and response to immunotherapy. Research Background: Soft tissue sarcomas are rare and highly heterogeneous malignancies of connective tissues, with limited syste...