Effects of Inhalation versus Total Intravenous Anaesthesia on Long-Term Mortality in Older Patients after Noncardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study

Effects of Inhalation versus Total Intravenous Anaesthesia on Long-Term Mortality in Older Patients after Noncardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study Academic Background With the global aging phenomenon, the number of elderly patients undergoing surgery is increasing year by year. Elderly patients are more susceptible to adverse effects...

Distribution and Outcomes of Paediatric Anaesthesia Services in Sweden: An Epidemiological Study

Distribution and Outcomes of Paediatric Anaesthesia Services in Sweden: An Epidemiological Study Academic Background In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards the centralization of perioperative care for children globally, particularly in European countries. This trend is primarily driven by research findings from professional organiz...

Dopaminergic Psychostimulants Cause Arousal from Isoflurane-Induced Sedation Without Reversing Memory Impairment in Rats

Dopaminergic Psychostimulants Restore Arousal from Isoflurane-Induced Sedation Without Reversing Memory Impairment in Rats Academic Background The widespread use of anesthetic drugs in surgery allows patients to undergo treatment without pain. However, the impact of anesthetic drugs on memory has been a significant research topic in the field of an...

Effect of a Comfort Scale Compared with a Pain Numerical Rate Scale on Opioids Consumption in Postanaesthesia Care Unit: The COMFORT Study

The Effect of a Comfort Scale Compared with a Pain Numerical Rating Scale on Opioid Consumption in the Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit: The COMFORT Study Academic Background Postoperative pain management is a critical topic in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Effective pain assessment tools can help physicians optimize postoperative analgesi...

Family Supplemented Patient Monitoring After Surgery (SMARTER): A Pilot Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomised Trial

Academic Background In Africa, postoperative mortality is twice that of high-income countries, with most deaths occurring on hospital wards after patients develop postoperative complications. The primary reason for this is inadequate postoperative monitoring, leading to delayed recognition and intervention when patients deteriorate. In Africa, heal...

Development and Validation of Metrics for Assessment of Ultrasound-Guided Fascial Block Skills

Development and Validation of Metrics for Assessment of Ultrasound-Guided Fascial Block Skills Academic Background Postoperative pain following lumbar spine surgery is a significant clinical issue that can persist for weeks, impacting patient recovery and quality of life. Traditional analgesic methods, including multimodal analgesia (such as strong...

Implementation of the TALK Clinical Self-Debriefing Tool in Operating Theatres: A Single-Centre Interventional Study

Implementation of the TALK Clinical Self-Debriefing Tool in Operating Theatres: A Single-Centre Interventional Study Academic Background The operating theatre is a complex and high-risk environment where teams need to adhere to safety behaviors to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Clinical debriefing is a recognized element of safe practice in the o...

Use of Coagulation Factor Concentrates and Blood Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Adults with Hereditary and Acquired Bleeding Disorders

Use of Coagulation Factor Concentrates and Blood Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Adults with Hereditary and Acquired Bleeding Disorders Academic Background Cardiac surgery is one of the high-risk procedures, especially for patients with bleeding disorders, as it significantly increases the risk of perioperative bleed...

Programmed Intermittent Bolus versus Continuous Infusion for Catheter-Based Erector Spinae Plane Block on Quality of Recovery in Thoracoscopic Surgery: A Single-Centre Randomised Controlled Trial

Background In recent years, Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) has gained increasing popularity as a minimally invasive technique in thoracic surgery. Compared to traditional thoracotomy, VATS offers advantages such as reduced postoperative pain, shorter recovery times, decreased hospital stays, and better preservation of pulmonary functio...

Comparative Efficacy of Balanced Crystalloids versus 0.9% Saline on Delayed Graft Function and Perioperative Outcomes in Kidney Transplantation: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials

Comparative Efficacy of Balanced Crystalloids versus 0.9% Saline on Delayed Graft Function and Perioperative Outcomes in Kidney Transplantation: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials Academic Background Kidney transplantation is an effective treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), but delayed graft function (DGF) post-transplantatio...