Hybrid Hydrogel-Magnet Actuated Capsule for Automatic Gut Microbiome Sampling

Hybrid Hydrogel-Magnet Actuated Capsule for Automatic Gut Microbiome Sampling

Hybrid Hydrogel-Magnetic Driven Capsule for Automatic Intestinal Microbiome Sampling Academic Background The gut microbiome is composed of a large and diverse community of microorganisms that significantly impact human health, including conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Current methods for studying the gut m...

Oncolytic Mineralized Bacteria as Potent Locally Administered Immunotherapeutics

Oncolytic Mineralized Bacteria May Be Used for Tumor Immunotherapy via Local Injection Research Background As a novel cancer treatment method, bacteria-based cancer immunotherapy has a long history dating back to the late 19th century when heated, inactivated bacteria were used to treat sarcomas. Initial trials found that these bacteria could trigg...

Eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the human gut microbiome

Linking microbial evolution and ecological restructuring in the human gut Background: The human gut harbors hundreds of microbial species that interact with each other in a complex ecological network. Recent studies have shown that gut microbes can evolve within human-relevant timescales, but little is known about how this evolution impacts (or is ...