Novel WRN Helicase Inhibitors Selectively Target Microsatellite-Unstable Cancer Cells

In the current field of tumor treatment, precision medicine continues to be a research hotspot and development trend. With the advancement of science and technology, we have begun to more accurately understand the characteristics of tumor cells and their dependencies for survival, in hopes of finding new therapeutic targets. Particularly, strategie...

Oncogenic KRAS-dependent Stromal Interleukin-33 Directs the Pancreatic Microenvironment to Promote Tumor Growth

The Role of IL-33 in Promoting Tumor Growth in Pancreatic Cancer Tissue and its Potential as a Therapeutic Target Background Introduction Pancreatic Cancer (PDA) is one of the most lethal malignancies worldwide, characterized by rapid clinical progression and poor treatment responses, with a five-year survival rate of only 13%. In the United States...

ZNF397 Deficiency Triggers TET2-driven Lineage Plasticity and AR-targeted Therapy Resistance in Prostate Cancer

ZNF397 Deficiency Triggers TET2-driven Lineage Plasticity and AR-targeted Therapy Resistance in Prostate Cancer

ZNF397 Deficiency Triggers TET2-Driven Lineage Plasticity and AR-Targeted Therapy Resistance in Prostate Cancer Academic Background and Research Motivation Existing research evidence suggests that cancer cell lineage plasticity and epigenetic reprogramming enable them to evade lineage-dependent targeted therapy by adopting lineage plasticity. Howev...

CD28 Costimulation Augments CAR Signaling in NK Cells via the Lck/CD3ζ/ZAP70 Signaling Axis

The Costimulatory Role of CD28 Enhances the Function of CAR-NK Cells through the LCK/CD3ζ/ZAP70 Signaling Axis Research Background and Objective Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has shown significant effects in treating certain advanced cancer patients. However, CAR-T cell therapy has many limitations, such as high cost, complex prepa...

Mechanisms of Resistance to Oncogenic KRAS Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer

Mechanisms of Resistance to Carcinogenic KRAS Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer Background Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly lethal disease. Most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage and typically die within 12 months, primarily due to limited treatment options and poor response to standard chemotherapy. KRAS is the most crit...

Targeting Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells Through Perturbation of Mitochondrial Calcium

Targeting Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells Through Perturbation of Mitochondrial Calcium

This is an academic paper report on the study of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) stem cells. The study found that venetoclax treatment targeting the BCL-2 protein induces different mitochondrial calcium signaling changes in drug-sensitive and drug-resistant AML stem cells, thereby affecting their oxidative phosphorylation metabolism and survival. The ...

Mechanisms of Response and Tolerance to Active RAS Inhibition in KRAS-Mutant NSCLC

Response and Resistance Mechanisms of RAS Inhibitors in KRAS-Mutant NSCLC Research Background With the clinical development of RAS inhibitors, the treatment of KRAS-mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) faces a new turning point. However, in clinical practice, patients show poor long-term responses to RAS inhibitors, influencing clinical effica...

High-Throughput Discovery of MHC Class I- and II-Restricted T Cell Epitopes Using Synthetic Cellular Circuits

High-Throughput Discovery of MHC Class I and II Restricted T Cell Epitopes Using a Novel Synthetic Cellular Circuit Research Background and Issues In recent years, antigen discovery technologies have made remarkable progress, especially in the application of human T-cell receptors (TCRs) in the recognition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ...

Spatially Segregated Macrophage Populations Predict Distinct Outcomes in Colon Cancer

Spatially Segregated Macrophage Populations Predict Distinct Outcomes in Colon Cancer

Spatially Isolated Macrophage Populations Predict Different Outcomes in Colon Cancer Introduction Macrophages are sentinel immune cells in tissues, performing a variety of functions including pathogen defense, antigen presentation, phagocytosis of dead cells, and the secretion of signals that drive tissue repair. In tumors, macrophage infiltration ...

Bidirectional Epigenetic Editing Reveals Hierarchies in Gene Regulation

Bidirectional Epigenetic Editing Reveals Hierarchies in Gene Regulation Background and Research Motivation In the human genome, the role of non-coding elements such as enhancers in gene regulation is widely recognized. However, current CRISPR interference methods still have some limitations in studying non-coding elements and genetic interactions. ...