Mapping the Behavioral Signatures of Shank3B Mice in Both Sexes

Behavioral Characterization of Shank3B Mice Across Both Sexes Research Background Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of complex mental disorders characterized by abnormalities in social interaction and repetitive behaviors. The Shank3B mutant ASD mouse model is widely used in research; however, the behavioral phenotype of this model has not ...

Neural Basis of Categorical Representations of Animal Body Silhouettes

Neural Mechanism | Neural Basis of Animal Body Silhouette Classification This article, written by Yue Pu and Shihui Han, published in “neurosci. bull.” in 2024, explores the neural processes of rapid classification and cognition of animal body silhouettes in humans. The study aims to reveal how humans identify and categorize individuals of differen...

Fluoxetine Rescues Excessive Myelin Formation and Psychological Behaviors in a Murine PTSD Model

Fluoxetine Rescues Excessive Myelin Formation and Psychological Behaviors in a Murine PTSD Model Background Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental disorder characterized by spontaneous intrusions of traumatic memories, avoidance of trauma-related stimuli, negative emotions and cognitions, and hyperarousal. Although existing first...

Gating of social behavior by inhibitory inputs from hippocampal CA1 to retrosplenial agranular cortex

Gating of Social Behavior by Inhibitory Input from Hippocampal CA1 to Retrosplenial Agranular Cortex Background Social behavior is a fundamental requirement for mammalian survival and reproduction, requiring the perception of sensory information, processing of social relevance, and further integration in the prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychiatric diso...

Dentate Gyrus Morphogenesis is Regulated by an Autism Risk Gene Trio Function in Granule Cells

Research Background and Objectives Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a group of highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorders, primarily characterized by abnormal social interactions, communication deficits, and restricted repetitive behaviors or interests. Previous studies have reported structural changes in brain regions including the hippocam...

Repetitive Administration of Low-Dose Lipopolysaccharide Improves Repeated Social Defeat Stress-Induced Behavioral Abnormalities and Aberrant Immune Response

Repeated Low-Dose Lipopolysaccharide Pretreatment Improves Behavioral Abnormalities and Aberrant Immune Responses Induced by Repeated Social Defeat Stress Background Stress significantly impacts human health, with chronic stress particularly inducing various physiological and psychological disorders. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is...

Minocycline Abrogates Individual Differences in Nerve Injury-Evoked Affective Disturbances in Male Rats and Prevents Associated Supraspinal Neuroinflammation

Chronic Neuropathic Pain Affects Individual Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Minocycline Shows Antidepressant Effect in Mouse Models Background Chronic Neuropathic Pain (CNP) has a profound impact on patients’ quality of life, but there are significant differences in individual responses to this pain. Some patients exhibit severe pain-related em...

Potential Role of BMAL1 in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Depression-Like Behavior and Its Associated "Inflammatory Storm"

The Role of BMAL1 in LPS-Induced Depressive Behavior and Related “Inflammatory Storm” Introduction According to the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study, mental disorders are listed as one of the top 10 causes of global burden, with depression being a major contributor. Over 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, making it the most com...

A Measure of Reliability Convergence to Select and Optimize Cognitive Tasks for Individual Differences Research

Academic Report Research Background In recent years, there has been growing interest in individual differences within the fields of psychology and cognitive neuroscience. However, many studies face a replication crisis, particularly evident in research exploring brain-behavior correlations. A key element for replicable individual differences resear...

Humans Need Auditory Experience to Produce Typical Volitional Nonverbal Vocalizations

Humans Need Auditory Experience to Produce Typical Volitional Nonverbal Vocalizations Introduction This research paper explores whether humans require auditory input to produce nonverbal emotional expressions (such as screams and cries). While these nonverbal vocalizations seem to have a strong reflexive basis, many emotional vocalizations are unde...