TDRD3-null Mice Show Post-Transcriptional and Behavioral Impairments Associated with Neurogenesis and Synaptic Plasticity

TDRD3 Deficient Mice Exhibit Deficits in Neurogenesis and Synaptic Plasticity at Both Post-transcriptional and Behavioral Levels Research Background Topoisomerase 3b (top3b) is a dual-activity topoisomerase capable of resolving DNA and RNA topological problems. An increasing body of evidence indicates that top3b functions as a conserved complex wit...

Predictable Navigation through Spontaneous Brain States with Cognitive-Map-Like Representations

Predictable Navigation through Spontaneous Brain States with Cognitive-Map-Like Representations

Advances in Neurobiology: “Navigating” Predictable Spontaneous Brain States through Cognitive Maps Background Introduction Spontaneous brain activity refers to brain processes that are not constrained by specific inputs or outputs, and these processes play an important role in neural and cognitive variability. Although the specific mechanisms of sp...

YEATS2 Knockdown Impairs Dopaminergic Synaptic Integrity and Leads to Seizure-like Behaviors in Drosophila Melanogaster

A Study on the Effect of YEATS2 Gene Knockdown on Dopaminergic Synaptic Integrity and Epileptic-like Behavior in Drosophila Background Introduction Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder characterized by abnormal electrical activities in the brain. These abnormal activities can lead to seizures and other neurological symptoms. Familial adult my...

Phase of Neural Oscillations as a Reference Frame for Attention-Based Routing in Visual Cortex

Phase of Neural Oscillations as a Reference Frame for Attention-Based Routing in Visual Cortex

One of the key issues in understanding the visual system’s selective attention is how it optimizes the perception and processing of visual information in specific behavioral contexts. Although previous research has analyzed the pivotal role of individual neuron firing rates in information transmission, our understanding remains limited regarding ho...

ABHD6 Drives Endocytosis of AMPA Receptors to Regulate Synaptic Plasticity and Learning Flexibility

ABHD6 Drives Endocytosis of AMPA Receptors to Regulate Synaptic Plasticity and Learning Flexibility Research Background In the exploration of the neural system’s mechanisms, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors (AMPAR) maintain the tuning ability of neurons in both resting and active states through the regulation of...

Accumulation of NMDA Receptors in Accumbal Neuronal Ensembles Mediates Increased Conditioned Place Preference for Cocaine After Prolonged Withdrawal

Study Reveals Molecular Mechanisms of Enhanced Cocaine Craving in Rats During Withdrawal Background Introduction The issue of relapse in drug abuse poses a significant challenge in addiction treatment. According to related research, relapse behaviors in drug addiction are often triggered by environmental cues associated with drug use. This phenomen...

Contralateral Delay Activity and Alpha Lateralization Reflect Retinotopic and Screen-Centered Reference Frames in Visual Memory

Contralateral Delay Activity and Alpha Lateralization Reflect Retinotopic and Screen-Centered Reference Frames in Visual Memory

Academic Report on “Contralateral Delay Activity and Alpha Lateralization Reflect Retinotopic and Screen-Centered Reference Frames in Visual Memory” Introduction The visual system is organized in a lateralized manner, with the left and right visual fields processed by the contralateral cerebral cortex. This organization applies not only to percepti...

Mesoscale Organization of Ventral and Dorsal Visual Pathways in Macaque Monkey Revealed by 7T fMRI

Mesoscale Organization of Ventral and Dorsal Visual Pathways in Macaque Monkey Revealed by 7T fMRI In the journal Progress in Neurobiology, a research team from the Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology and the Department of Neurosurgery at the Second Hospital in Zhejiang University published a paper titled “Mesoscale organizat...

Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like 2B Modulates the Amyloidogenic Pathway and Exhibits an Aβ-Dependent Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease

New Findings in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: The Regulatory Role of Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like 2b in the β-Amyloid Cascade Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the abnormal accumulation of β-amyloid peptides (Aβ) in brain tissue and the formation of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. The abnormal...

Dissecting Gene Expression Networks in the Developing Hippocampus through the Lens of NEIL3 Depletion

Dissecting Gene Expression Networks in the Developing Hippocampus through the Lens of NEIL3 Depletion

Analyzing the Gene Expression Network in Developing Hippocampus from the Perspective of NEIL3 Deficiency Background The hippocampus, a crucial region of the brain, is well-regarded for its key roles in memory consolidation, information processing, and emotional regulation. In the field of neuroscience research, the gene regulatory mechanisms of the...