Mechanisms of Response and Tolerance to Active RAS Inhibition in KRAS-Mutant NSCLC

Response and Resistance Mechanisms of RAS Inhibitors in KRAS-Mutant NSCLC Research Background With the clinical development of RAS inhibitors, the treatment of KRAS-mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) faces a new turning point. However, in clinical practice, patients show poor long-term responses to RAS inhibitors, influencing clinical effica...

Clonal Lineage Tracing with Recordable Barcodes Reveals Migration Histories of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

title: “Utilizing Clonal Lineage Tracing with Recordable Barcodes Unveils the Migration History of Prostate Cancer Metastasis” author: Ryan N. Serio, Armin Scheben, *Billy Lu, *Domenic V. Gargiulo, Lucrezia Patruno, Caroline L. Buckholtz, Ryan J. Chaffee, Megan C. Jibilian, Steven G. Persaud, Stephen J. Staklinski, Rebecca Hassett, Lise M. Brault, ...

Activating Point Mutations in the MET Kinase Domain Represent a Unique Molecular Subset of Lung Cancer and Other Malignancies Targetable with MET Inhibitors

This study reveals a new targetable cancer subtype characterized by activating point mutations in the MET tyrosine kinase domain (TKD). Researchers identified MET TKD activating mutations in approximately 0.5% of patients across a genomic data set of over 600,000 cancer cases, encompassing various tumor types, with the highest prevalence in renal c...

Iron-(Fe3+)-Dependent Reactivation of Telomerase Drives Colorectal Cancers

Iron-(Fe3+)-Dependent Reactivation of Telomerase Drives Colorectal Cancers

Iron (Ferric Ion, Fe3+)-Dependent Telomerase Reactivation Drives Colorectal Cancer Development I. Research Background Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer globally, involving both genetic and non-genetic factors in its pathogenesis. Existing research shows a significant association between high iron content, hereditary iron overl...

High-Throughput Discovery of MHC Class I- and II-Restricted T Cell Epitopes Using Synthetic Cellular Circuits

High-Throughput Discovery of MHC Class I and II Restricted T Cell Epitopes Using a Novel Synthetic Cellular Circuit Research Background and Issues In recent years, antigen discovery technologies have made remarkable progress, especially in the application of human T-cell receptors (TCRs) in the recognition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ...

Spatially Segregated Macrophage Populations Predict Distinct Outcomes in Colon Cancer

Spatially Segregated Macrophage Populations Predict Distinct Outcomes in Colon Cancer

Spatially Isolated Macrophage Populations Predict Different Outcomes in Colon Cancer Introduction Macrophages are sentinel immune cells in tissues, performing a variety of functions including pathogen defense, antigen presentation, phagocytosis of dead cells, and the secretion of signals that drive tissue repair. In tumors, macrophage infiltration ...

Investigating the impact of poverty on mental illness in the UK Biobank using Mendelian randomization

Study on the Impact of Poverty on Mental Illness: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis Based on the UK Biobank This article aims to explore the causal relationship between poverty and mental illness. Although many studies have shown an association between low socioeconomic status and mental illnesses, most studies have failed to determine whether pov...

Joint Impact of Polygenic Risk Score and Lifestyles on Early- and Late-Onset Cardiovascular Diseases

Comprehensive Analysis of the Joint Impact of Polygenic Risk Scores and Lifestyle on Cardiovascular Disease Incidence: A Report from the China Kadoorie Biobank Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the major global health threats. Despite the stable or declining incidence and prevalence of CVD among adults over 50 in recent decades, t...

Identifying behaviour-related and physiological risk factors for suicide attempts in the UK Biobank

Research Background: Suicide is a global public health challenge, but there is still significant uncertainty regarding the relationship between behavioral and physiological factors and suicide attempts (SA). Previous studies often focus on limited hypothesized factors such as mental illnesses (e.g., depression), personality and psychological traits...

Bidirectional Epigenetic Editing Reveals Hierarchies in Gene Regulation

Bidirectional Epigenetic Editing Reveals Hierarchies in Gene Regulation Background and Research Motivation In the human genome, the role of non-coding elements such as enhancers in gene regulation is widely recognized. However, current CRISPR interference methods still have some limitations in studying non-coding elements and genetic interactions. ...