Inflammatory Mechanisms in Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Epilepsy: A Study

Neuroinflammation and Epilepsy: The Role of Inflammasomes in Traumatic Brain Injury Background and Purpose Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) refers to changes in brain function and pathology resulting from physical trauma to the head or neck. Apart from common behavioral and psychological disorders, post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is one of the most sever...

Early Depletion of Gut Microbiota Shapes Oligodendrocyte Response After Traumatic Brain Injury

Study on the Role of Gut Microbiota in White Matter Repair after Traumatic Brain Injury - Analysis of “Journal of Neuroinflammation” Introduction Every year, around 1.7 million people in the United States experience traumatic brain injury (TBI), with over 5 million facing disability issues related to TBI. These non-fatal TBIs are estimated to incur...

Systemic Administration of Soluble Glycoprotein 130 in Traumatic Brain Injury: Effects on Cognitive Performance and Chemokine Levels

Research Review: Treating Traumatic Brain Injury through Selective Inhibition of IL-6 Pathway Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of long-term neurological damage and death globally, with no effective disease-modifying treatments currently available. TBI patients often suffer from cognitive, behavioral, and sensory ...

Role of Macrophages in CL-Enhanced Regeneration After Peripheral Nerve Injury

Key Research on the Role of Macrophages in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Background and Research Objectives Since the 1990s, research has shown that macrophages play a promoting role in peripheral nerve regeneration, and are particularly important in the conditioning lesion (CL) response. After sciatic nerve injury, macrophages accumulate at the in...

Regulation of Neuroinflammation and Demyelination by Cystatin F Following Murine Coronavirus Infection of the Central Nervous System

The Role of Cystatin F in Regulating Neuroinflammation and Demyelination in Spinal Cord Poliovirus Infection Background Knowledge Cystatin F is a secreted lysosomal cysteine protease inhibitor associated with every stage of virus-related neurological diseases, including host defense, demyelination, and myelination. However, research on how Cystatin...

Inhibition of Mannan-Binding Lectin Associated Serine Protease-2 Reduces Cognitive Deficits in a Mouse Model of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Review of Research on the Treatment Potential for Cognitive Deficits in Traumatic Brain Injury Research Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In Europe, the annual incidence of TBI is at least 4 million cases, imposing a heavy burden on patients, society, and health systems, yet the available ...

Characteristics of the Structural Connectivity in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms: A Pilot Study

Study on Structural Connectivity Characteristics in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms Academic Background Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of post-traumatic death and disability. Even mild to moderate TBIs can result in a complex cluster of symptoms known as “post-concussion syndrome,” which includes he...

Photogrammetry Scans for Neuroanatomy Education - A New Multi-Camera System: Technical Note

Photogrammetry Scans for Neuroanatomy Education - A New Multi-Camera System: Technical Note

Neuroinformatics Research: 3D Modeling of Neuroanatomy with Multi-Camera System Academic Background The surgical anatomy of the central nervous system, including the skull and spine, has an extremely complex three-dimensional (3D) structure, making it difficult for learners to fully understand the intricate relationships between various structures....

Utilizing fMRI to Guide TMS Targets: The Reliability and Sensitivity of fMRI Metrics at 3T and 1.5T

Utilizing fMRI to Guide TMS Targets: The Reliability and Sensitivity of fMRI Metrics at 3T and 1.5T

Using fMRI to Guide TMS Target Selection: Reliability and Sensitivity of 3T and 1.5T fMRI Metrics [DOI: 10.1007/s12021-024-09667-5], published in Neuroinformatics Background Introduction The early application of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) mainly focused on inferring cognitive processes. However, modern medicine is gradually extend...

Sex Differences in the Extent of Acute Axonal Pathologies After Experimental Concussion

Gender Differences in Acute Axonal Pathology Following Experimental Concussion Academic Background Each year, approximately 50 million people worldwide suffer from concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI). However, for more than 15% of patients, this “mild” brain injury can lead to lasting neurocognitive dysfunction. The exist...