Cortical Gene Expression Architecture links Healthy Neurodevelopment to the Imaging, Transcriptomics and Genetics of Autism and Schizophrenia

Research Report: The Connection Between Cortical Gene Expression and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Background The anatomical and functional organization of the human brain is the result of the coordinated expression of numerous genes. It has been found that the first principal component (c1) of cortical gene expression plays a significant r...

The Neurocomputational link between Defensive Cardiac States and Approach-Avoidance Arbitration under Threat

The Neurocomputational link between Defensive Cardiac States and Approach-Avoidance Arbitration under Threat

Research Background Threat avoidance often comes at a cost, especially in situations involving threat-reward conflict, where avoiding threats might reduce the opportunity to gain potential rewards. In threat-reward conflicts, individuals need to balance the potential rewards and threat outcomes of their decisions to generate adaptive behavior. Howe...

Language and Sensory Characteristics Are Reflected in Voice-Evoked Responses in Low Birth Weight Children

Language and Sensory Characteristics of Very Low Birth Weight Children in Response to Sound Background and Motivation Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) children face higher risks of cognitive developmental obstacles, including language deficits and sensory-motor difficulties. Previous studies have indicated that sound-evoked brain responses (P1m) can se...

Gamma Oscillations of Visual Cortex Underlying Emotion and Cognition Deficits Associated with Suicide Attempt in Major Depressive Disorder

Research on Gamma Oscillations Related to Suicidal Behavior in Patients with Depression Introduction Suicide is one of the most severe human behaviors globally, particularly prevalent among patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Studies have shown that nearly half of those who die by suicide had been diagnosed with MDD. Despite its signific...

Intracranial EEG signals disentangle multi-areal neural dynamics of vicarious pain perception

Intracranial EEG signals disentangle multi-areal neural dynamics of vicarious pain perception

Research Background and Objectives Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others and is a crucial foundation for human social interaction and prosocial behavior. Current neuroimaging studies have identified specific brain regions that play key roles in empathetic pain, including the anterior insula (AI), anterior cingulate c...

A Spatial Perturbation Framework to Validate Implantation of the Epileptogenic Zone

Evaluation of Epilepsy Seizure Onset Zone (SOZ) Implantation Quality through Spatial Perturbation Framework in Pre-Surgical Planning Background The success of epilepsy surgery relies heavily on the accuracy of pre-surgical planning, which typically involves identifying the epileptic zone (EZ) using clinical symptomatology, electroencephalography (E...

Age-Related Changes in the Susceptibility to Visual Illusions of Size

As the global population ages, understanding the impact of aging on visual perception becomes increasingly important. This study investigates age-related changes in size perception in adults through three visual illusions: the Ponzo illusion, the Ebbinghaus illusion, and the height-width illusion. Based on a Bayesian model that conceptualizes the a...

Differential Cortical Layer Engagement During Seizure Initiation and Spread in Humans

Differential Cortical Layer Engagement During Seizure Initiation and Spread in Humans

Study on the Differences in Cortical Layers During Epileptic Seizure Onset and Spread Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that severely impacts patients’ quality of life, affecting approximately 1% of the global population. Among all epilepsy patients, nearly one-third are resistant to pharmaceutical treatments, known as drug-resistant epilepsy. Fo...

Cortex-wide Topography of 1/f-exponent in Parkinson’s Disease

Cortex-wide Topography of 1/f-exponent in Parkinson’s Disease

Topographical Map of the 1/f Index in the Whole Brain for Parkinson’s Disease Authors: Pascal Helson, Daniel Lundqvist, Per Svenningsson, Mikkel C. Vinding, Arvind Kumar Research Background Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive and debilitating brain disorder primarily characterized by motor dysfunction but also affecting perceptual and cogniti...

Effects of a Single Night of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Spontaneous Brain Activity in Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The Effect of Single-Night Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Spontaneous Brain Activity in Patients with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Research Background Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common chronic sleep-related breathing disorder characterized by partial or complete closure of the airway during sleep. This condition leads to repeated ...