Accelerating Diabetic Wound Healing by ROS-Scavenging Lipid Nanoparticle–mRNA Formulation

Accelerating Diabetic Wound Healing by ROS-Scavenging Lipid Nanoparticle–mRNA Formulation

Utilization of Lipid Nanoparticles-mRNA Formulations to Eliminate ROS and Accelerate Diabetic Wound Healing Diabetic wounds are common complications in patients with hyperglycemia, characterized by high incidence and recurrence rates, causing substantial global economic losses. Existing treatments, including wound offloading and growth factor thera...

GLP-1-directed NMDA Receptor Antagonism for Obesity Treatment

GLP-1-Directed NMDA Receptor Antagonism for Obesity Treatment In recent decades, obesity has become a global health problem, seriously affecting the quality of life and health of millions of people. Obesity is not only associated with numerous health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases but also severely impacts mental...

55-year follow-up of the first adult patient with craniopharyngioma treated with gamma knife radiosurgery

This is a report on the 55-year follow-up of the first case of a craniopharyngioma patient who underwent gamma knife radiosurgery. The article details the medical history, diagnosis process, gamma knife surgery details, as well as the 55-year follow-up with multiple treatments, providing a comprehensive overview of the patient’s long medical journe...